Friday, May 04, 2007

The Fat and Thin of it!

According to Darwin's Theory : it took millions and millions of years of evolution for us to get where we are today. I wonder how much longer will it take for the average Indian mind to advance (sociologically mind you not intellectually).

The average Indian mindset is still bogged down by seemingly inconsequential issues like who's thinking what of me and what will people say if I do or don't do this and that. Married women are still rated in terms of how well/how much they cook or how much they can clean and not how well they may be doing in their careers.Men are still considered to be breadwinners even when their wives might be earning as much or more.

And the funniest observation yet, if a man does not put on weight and gain a pot belly after marriage, it is generally considered the wife's fault for not "taking care" of her husband, while if a woman puts on weight after marriage she's let herself go!

Unbelievable? yet true! Indians obsess about being fat rather than being they happens only in India! Well, I think its high time we stopped thinking of people in terms of how they look and if we do have to think in those terms let think Fit not Fat !

For my part, my husbands actually lost some fat since we've been married, he's pretty fit if I may say so myself and as for the "what will people say!" syndrome, those people be damned, we're 28 , fit and loving it!


Anonymous said...

food for thought; but true for other asian societies as well. You may be surprised but many of these norms are prevalent in Africa and parts of eastern Europe.

Sweta Gandhi-Shah said...

Hi inretrospect,

I AM surprised to know that similar norms exist in other parts of the world, thanks for sharing that with me. Hope you keep coming back!

Anonymous said...

You have some nice pieces written up. You have fluidity in your blogs. I loved reading about Maui. Its the most beautiful place I've visited.