One often hears of the "impossible to figure out" woman, she comes up everywhere, in the idle banter of old men or the raucous babble of the younger male species.She is usually the point on which all men agree on, they all agree its impossible to figure her out!
I got this email the other day, which listed how a woman was contradiction personified, how when she says no she means yes and how when she agrees she really is disagreeing.Tsk Tsk..Men are soo simple (pun intended).
I wonder if these men ever think that what if women add that contradiction to themselves on-purpose. This "confusion" about women, is what gives them the mystical aura that most men find so alluring. Even the most educated woman in a highly paid job can "act" dumb at the drop of a hat!
There is no school that teaches women this art of befuddlement, yet every woman has a master's degree in the same. How you ask? Its simple, what you call befuddlement we call insaurance. Everyone knows how difficult it is to hold a Man's attention right? An averge man has the attention-span of about 1 minute, if a woman is to hold his attention longer that that she needs to pique his interest..and the easiest way? that right..confusion..
From times bygone, women were told to take care of their husbands and do what it takes to keep him "interested", since times bygone women have used contradiction as a way of adding to their mystery..Today's woman is definately going places, she's come a long way from the traditional home-maker role, and along the journey she's perfected the confundus charm. Where wit and intellect fail..Confundo!