Monday, April 20, 2015

Life Lessons and Soccer

As a mom I try to imbibe "life lessons" in everyday play with my 3 year old …

For example A puzzle with a missing piece becomes a lesson on the importance of clean-up
Reading a book becomes a lesson on imagination - so we can create new stories to continue the book that has ended
Playing soccer - becomes a lesson in competition

- there are times however - like today - when he in-turn teaches me something - today was a lesson in contradictions for me ..

We were playing a game of soccer in the yard and usually we play by turn (so I would kick the ball to him and he would kick it back to me and so on - taking turns).
Today I decided to play some "hard ball" with him..I didn't give him the ball - but kept kicking it myself..when it went far - i ran to it before he could and kicked it again..

He protested - and I told him - well, if you want the ball you have to learn to take it from have to be quicker than me, you have to play smart and take the ball from mommy.

Initially he played along - but then he stopped play - he motioned for me to sit down - and the conversation went like below

Aariv : "Mommy - you're not sharing the ball"
Mommy : "But I told you - if you want the ball - you just need to get to it before I do"
Aariv : "But why?!"
Mommy : "Because thats how this game is played"
Aariv : "But you also say sharing is good"
Mommy : "Uh Yes - it is..but the game.."
Aariv : "If the game does not let you share - then the game is not good - lets play share-ball and not soccer ball - OK?"

I guess we will learn about healthy competition another day, for now :

Mommy : 0 Aariv : 1

Game on!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Work-Life Balance


We've heard these 3 words so many times in our professional lives - most companies in the US (and probably elsewhere) make a big deal about trying to help ensure their employees achieve this balance. But when is that balance truly achieved - and is it ever?

I've heard the balance is achieved when you are successful at work and in your life! So the question then is - how do you measure success in your life?

Success at Work for example - is well defined and measured by your career growth . We work on a schedule - that we strive to meet, we work on a budget - that we try to stay within, we travel - for business needs, we attend conferences - to learn and connect with our peers, we take classes - to stay competitive - all of the above is time bound and absolutely essential for our professional careers - and our success is tied to doing all of the above

Success in Life on the other hand - is rather subjective. For most people it is only spending quality time with your family that counts as success in life - and since most companies in the US (at least in technology) - will allow you the flexibility in working that helps you achieve that quality time - can we then say we've achieved work life balance?!

Just like at work - shouldn't we have more metrics by which to measure a successful life? Spending daily quality time with family is important, but so are other things that contribute to the term life and finding the time for these is important to be successful at life too - for e.g. -  Ensuring yearly vacation travel - to gain new experiences and broaden your horizons, timely financial planning - for retirement, your death AND your today, health and fitness - ensuring you work out for a healthier you, providing a variety of learning experiences to your child - beyond school and travel and of course shared household duties - very important in cases where both spouses work - it takes effort to make your home life run smoothly and a successful life is only possible when that effort is shared!

While most of us do spend that daily quality time with our families - do we really have all our ducks in a row when it comes to these other things - or are we sometimes prioritizing our work deliverables over these other "life" metrics. If we are - then have we truly achieved work-life balance?