Monday, July 23, 2007

The Enemy Within

I had an interesting conversation recently, and while I don't think I was able to convince the person I was talking to about the validity of my point-of-view, I felt it was important to put both the point of views down here for all and sundry to ponder/comment upon.

The conversation started with me making a random remark about how India (like China) needed to implement or enforce some population control measures. To this the person replied, that it wasn't possible, because the Muslim population in the country wouldn't agree. (yes.."huh?" was my reaction too)

That remark, set us off on a completely different thread of conversation. The person in question opined that the Muslim minority in India was actually "paid" (though not sure by whom) to have a larger family. He believed the intent was to eventually outnumber the "Hindu" majority in India. He further claimed, that he foresaw a future where these "Muslims" would eventually take over by force that which was not rightfully theirs (land, businesses etc) , simply because they could (they being a majority in that future). Finally, he claimed, he already saw that happening to a smaller extent, when the police themselves felt they could not react to a crime committing Muslim in the same manner as they would to any other person, for fear of a communal backlash. Further, he says, the Muslim kids are also budding truants who regularly deal in petty crimes like not paying bus fares etc. and would eventually grow up into organized crime.

Sadly,this religion biased opinion is the flavor of the day, even in 21st Century India, even among the "learned" few, thanks to our religion tinged politics. The self proclaimed "defenders" of Hinduism and Islam, the saffron brigade and the mullahs, poisoning the minds of the people and widening the chasm into which I'm afraid we all will fall one day.

My opinion regarding the above statements is a) they are not based on any facts and therefore are moot b) they are, if propagated to the younger generations, the seeds of discontent that will result in fruits of contrition

Let us take on this argument one point at a time, firstly I agree its difficult to enforce a population control law in India, however, it is not because a particular sect does not want to or is paid to reproduce or whatever, it is because, simply put, India is a democracy (unlike China), and hence any enforcement of law is violating the most basic right of the people of the country. Also, the various religions (not just the one), are traditionally opposed to birth control, they believe kids are a gift from god, and hence any form of enforcement would lead to hurting the religious sentiments of too many.

What the government can do however, imho, is to provide incentives to people with lesser kids (free higher education for the kids etc), this will (hopefully) goad the people into thinking positively with regards to population control.

Islam is the second largest (if not already the largest) religious sect in the world. That Muslims will one day outnumber the Hindus or any other religious sect in India is a given. It is therefore all the more important to quash any communal feelings right now, at its root, before it grows into something which no one can manage.The answer is not to quash the current minority or alienate them but to learn to live together harmoniously

Kids playing truant is not necessarily an indication of future criminal activities, it usually is just kids being kids. At some point of time or another, we have all tried to "get away" by not paying the bus or train fare, just to experience the adrenaline rush we felt when doing something naughty. While we always knew it was wrong, as kids we needed to explore possibilities to grow and that's all it usually was. And its not a particular caste or kind of kid doing this, its kids in general.

I have been fortunate to have friends belonging to different castes (people I studied with in school, hung-out with in college or worked with in a professional environment), and speaking for them, I would say they are not the least bit criminal, they act or behave in pretty much the same way as I do and their goals in life are pretty similar to mine.

I believe, education not religion is the basis of future life, I'm not an Atheist, but I believe all religions in the world have the same basic message, that of peace not war. I believe people around the world need a lesson in co-existence. I believe the real war is with the Enemy Within, the foe that goads man against man, the small/big part within us that believes that our religion (whatever it may be), is "the best", or the "one true religion", that is the part of our soul that we must overcome. Once we win over the Enemy within, maybe we will find no enemies without?

P.S. - I came across a great blog, that basically mirrors my thoughts on religion. Here is the link to that.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Its Elementary My Dear Watson !

One of Mr. Sherlock Holmes adventures starts with an idyllic Dr. Watson challenging Holmes to guess the occupation of 5 random people that come down the street. Of course..Holmes being Holmes, does so with what seems like relative ease but with what truly is a highly polished sense of observation.

Yesterday, as I was browsing through the local grocery store, I decided to play a little detective myself. They say, you are what you eat, so what better place to "know" people than in a grocery store eh! What I found, while quickly checking out their grocery carts (p.s. - i wasnt trying to pry into anyones business, just trying to stop rolling your eyes!) and their overall demenor, is that its actually quite easy to somewhat conclude on the person's lifestyle.

First up, a white caucasian woman in her late twenties or early thirties wearing track pants and a cart full of fruits, health bars, nuts and milk. Category : Health-nut. Then up walks her boyfriend (why not husband you ask? no wedding ring / engagement ring AHA!) carrying 2 Jamba Juices. Update Category : Made for each other Health-nuts.

Then up, a dark couple of indian decent (it takes one to know one), checking out the price of each item before buying, their cart has one sole carton of milk, they seem to be arguing about something, the woman is dressed in a traditional indian attire (salwaar kameez) with the traditional indian sindoor in her hair, the man is dressed in jeans with a tucked in cotton full-sleeved shirt, with a pager on his belt and a cell phone in his hand. Category : newly married couple (the sindoor clearly indicates marriage in India, however the fact that she was still using it..most young women stop using it soon after landing in the USofA and their ackwardness with each other made me think newly married), homemaker wife and software engineer husband, probably working in one of the big software companies in the area.

This I admit was mostly based on the general demograpics of the area that I was in, rather than any specific observation, this is the most commonly found couple "species" (if you may), in that particualr area. So my guess, was simply based on wider demograpical data.

Up next, in the junk food isle, two young women, one white caucasian and one tall african-american each on their own cell phones (yet sharing a cart so seemed to shop together), the cart consisted of various ready to eat items, chips (of the plain salted and spicy jalapeno kinds), salsa's (both mild and hot varities), soda's (diet soda only), water, juices (again of various kinds), 2 cartons of milk (one whole milk and one 2% kind), whole wheat and white bread. Category : young freshman year room-mates. Based on the variety in their cart, they have obviously different tastes, yet one cart, indicating living together under one-roof. Going to school mainly because of the preppy "hip" look of their clothes and their bling bling cell-phones, and ever present giggles.

Finally at the checkout line, a white caucasian woman in early thirties, black skirt suit, checking out 5 bottles of wine, various cheeses, bread and frozen pasta. Category : working woman obviously, no kids (early thirties is still a little young in this country esp with working women to have kids), married (duly noted the wedding band while she was giving her credit card) and having a party tonite (5 bottles of wine)! From the looks of her clothes and perfect makeup she could be a HR manager in some company or a Lawyer by profession. The Dark color of her suit, tends to make me think it is the latter rather than the former..

Here surprising, I lucked out, the cashier at the checkout was quiet chatty, and while looking at the woman's ID commented on how her birthday was just yesterday and asked if she did anything special. The woman responded by saying, the people at her "firm" (law firm??) threw her a small party and then her "husband" took her out for a nice dinner and that tonight they were having a few friends over for an extended celebration for "her big 30" !. Without knowing it, she validated all my points of observation as true!!!!

As to the rest of the above observations..your guess is as good as mine :). While I may not be bang on, I think i'd have come close to the truth at have waaay too much time on my hands!!

picture courtesy :